Using armatures with python

Is there any way to use armatures(get bones position, for example) from python?

No. (At least not yet.)

There is no way to get a bone’s position orientation or size, but it is possible to set a bone’s position orientation and size using the setChannel() function on an action actuator.

Here’s the documentation string from the setChannel function:

setChannel(channel, matrix)
	- channel	: A string specifying the name of the bone channel.
	- matrix	: A 4x4 matrix specifying the overriding transformation
		 as an offset from the bone's rest position.

You’ll have to understand matrices to use this function though. If you want to learn about matrixes search google for “vector matrix math tutorial” that should turn up some good sites.

PS. I wish there was a getChannel() function to go with this…