I am new to blender - and I was using Blender 4.9 until I saw the Quad view of the next version. I am a 3dmax person, so I am used to that style. The crazy part about this material thing is that according to the tutorial, all I have to do is pick an object and add a material to it. I do that, yet when I render, the material does of the object does not change! Am I missing something?
Even when you add a material to an object for the first time, the default “gray” is unchanged. However, you can change it under ‘Diffuse’ settings (if that what you were looking for).
yep that is where I changed it. Change the diffuse colour, but nothing happens when I render…
Sounds strange! Can you please attach the .blend file, to have a better look at the issue?
Here’s a good way to post blend files: http://www.pasteall.org/blend/
then just include the web address in your post.
Just in case you didn’t know.
By the way you may want to look at these tutorials to get you up to speed with the new interface.
Here is the file
Ok, go to the pasteall site and then here is the extension: /blend/4308
It won’t let me post the entire url on here…
Just checked out your .blend file, found that you have assigned Material: Material (which is your default ‘gray’ material) under Render > Layers.
Solution: Click on that Material box and delete to leave it as blank.
A few helpful tips to organize your work for making it less complicated and tiresome.
Open up a ‘Outliner’ window (may be in the left hand side) to view what different objects, meshes, materials and so forth you have on your scene.
I find, you have created too many redundant materials for your ‘Nose’ object. Try to make it as simple as possible.
Try to ‘Display’ your mesh objects in ‘Textured’ type (rather than Wireframe, as in your case with ‘Nose’ object) while working with materials.
Though, these things are not directly related to the issue you have had, but can save lot of time in long run.
Cheers, keep up the good work!
Ok, but how do I get rid of the default material? I changed it in the render view, but everytime I add a new colour, it changes the entire snowman to that color for some reason…
Go ahead and post blends here too. Going to a different site to look at it is a small hassle, but one none the less.
Okay, here’re some edited version of your submitted file.
http://www.pasteall.org/blend/4322 (did some cleanup and removed all the materials)
http://www.pasteall.org/blend/4323 (here I added some basic material once again)
NB: Have a look at the outliner window on the left, to understand the hierarchy of different objects and it’s relationship. It helps you to organize your work in much better way, even if it’s just a simple ‘snowman’ or a complex scene with multiple rigged characters. Just my 2 cents
Keep blending!!
Thanks for that, but BLENDER freezes on me after I add one material to the eye or other parts. Not sure why unless because this is a BETA. It would be nice just to get rid of the RENDER material in my original. I am going to try again.