Using Blender animation data on a Unity camera

Hi, I want to animate a camera movement in conjunction with a character animation. I’ve animated the character in Blender and have imported the mesh and animation into Unity, but I don’t see how to sync a camera animation with the character’s there. I think I can only animate one object at a time, with no way to refer to another object’s animation timeline while doing so. Is it possible to animate a camera in Blender and then import only the animation data into Unity, applying it there to a Unity camera? Thanks in advance

OK, I animated a Blender camera and exported it as a .fbx file. In Unity I’m struggling with it but the motion is there; scale and position seem to be issues. I know that models import at 1/100 their Blender size and at a rotation of 90 degrees on the X-axis, and this camera animation looks like it is operating at 1/100 the scale it should be. But scaling an animation??? Also I have no idea how to pull the camera into the play area without it reverting to where it thinks it should be once the animation starts playing…