Using blender animations in realtime gaming.

I was wonding if it is possible to create a shockwave animation in Blender and use it real-time in Bz-Flag, an open-source 3d-tank fighting game that uses open-GL libraries. If so how would I go about doing this, and if there are any tutorials on this please post a link. Thanks.

UH…18 views, but no one has answered. There has to be somebody out there who knows [!] This post has been up for at least 14 hours. I’m desperate!
Here’s the homepage for bz-flag if anybody is wondering.

If no one knows or if it isn’t possible please just say so that way my mind will be at peace. :smiley:

I am lazy, so I ask

I have seen, and played bzflag before but not messed with it’s internals

what input format does it use?
What does it support (from what I have seen not much)?

chances are a python exporter could be written for it, but that is usually true.

(oh, and even being mentioned on slashdot many don’t know of bzflag anyway)

I think I need to do some research on the web. I really don’t know enough about this to ask the right questions. Thanks for the post. :smiley: