Using blender with Autocad

This model was made entirely in AutoCAD (using CadWORX addon), then exported as 3ds and into Blender. Some normal flipping and minor changes were made, then the camera path added and rendered. (The camera speed is a little fast). Colors are a little bright (autocad layer colors). The model was not complete/finished at the point of export/import. I did this 2 1/2 years ago, but just rendered it fresh today for this thread. (ffmpeg xvid codec, 8.6 mb)

Dude, type in 99… what does it do? (answer: defaults to 10 as the highest, IIRC.) Try it yourself! Its been a while since I had Acad going…

However, this may not be the controlling factor for 3DS output anymore… I’ve heard Autodesk has made some changes to this utility recently (like not even including it anymore for a while there…) …I dunno.

Archiman, I would suggest sectioning up your large AutoCAD model: start with half. (delete half your model in a temp/save-as version and export… then try the other half) If half still isn’t enough, try fourths. Don’t waste time re-doing everything in blender! Batch it together if at all possible!

The other thing that will help you keep your blender file size down is to make all “copies” (objects) of the same component refer back to the same mesh. This can mess with their locations, but will cut down on file size immensely.

@dschnell289: Nice clip! My one thot: you need to “track-to” your camera to an empty, then parent that empty to a curve path, then parent your camera to a 2nd curve path, to control your camera’s motion.

A couple of reasons for this that jumped out at me right away: theres a distinct “motion-stepping” thats happening that is a bit distracting. Next is the empty horizon that you’re seeing at the “turn-around” points in the animation. Finer camera control will allow you to make larger loops at these turn around points that keep your excellent model in view the whole time.

Good work, tho! (I’ve an old AutoCAD-sourced animation that I’d share if it were still online… bummer :smiley: )

Hi Archiman86. At the Blender Spanish-speaking forums of Niel we’ve discussed the integration of CAD programs and blender several times, but more on the architectural modeling part. The autodesk dxf importer has evolved a lot in terms of importing anything you draw in 2d in Autocad (or any of its Intellicad clones that support saving as DXF2007 ascii) seamlessly into blender so that (with some minor tweaking) you can start your modeling process in blender accurately based on a cad drawing. We could say on the architecture part taht integration is now a 100% compatible, and also with Intellicad prices ranging between US$150-$350 it sure becomes an attractive alternative for any architecture studio.
Here’s one of the latest discussions, it’s in Spanish but there are some videos on page 2 that don’t have sound, just created to show the process.



Does Autocad export to object files? Thought it did. If so, this might be a work around to export more easily from Autocad to Blender.

@dschnell289: Nice clip! My one thot: you need to “track-to” your camera to an empty, then parent that empty to a curve path, then parent your camera to a 2nd curve path, to control your camera’s motion.

Yeah I know…that was when I was first learning Blender/camera path animation. I would totally re-do the path now if I wanted to use it for anything portfolio wise. (that’s why I stated it was done 2 1/2 years ago). Thanks for the crit though!!

Thank you all for your help. I posted a new rendering of my progress:

check it out and please critique it

what size of file and how many verticies?

what are the conductots at the top of the pic are theses cables or bus bars?
can you show closer pic to see more of the details
would be nice to see


Those are in fact rigid bus across the top. I will upload a closer pic in the WIP

very interesting !
what’s the size stats Verticies faces file size !

when you say rigid bus are your talking about cable bus bar or like
rigid tubing in alum or copper?

i did one just for the fun of it and i’m at around 100 ,000 verticies and 14 Mbytes of file
and i don’t have 1/2 of it yet - the only thing i don’t haveare the exact dimensions so everything is approximative but closed to the real thing - its not a CAD anyway so
as long as it looks like the real thing it’s ok i guess

it’s a fun project


Right now I am at over 200,000 verts and the file size is about the same. I am working on adding some more breakers and other equipment.

-It is rigid bus bar.

there is a repository at blender for procedural textures for material
including many of the common metal like copper steel gold ect,

you could use theses on your model
if you don’t know where it is let me know i’;; find it for you

I did find that repository. Thank you very much

ar e you moving foward or bacward LOL ?

you got better pic to show up wiht more details

how big is it now ?
keep up the good work and lerasrn more about blender

Sorry, I have been very busy working on other stuff. This has been more of a “when I get free time” project. I am really looking forward to working more on it. I will keep the WIP updated whenever I make changes. I am thinking about doing a walkthrough as well. I will probably have to make a low poly version of it for that though. Still trying to figure out a good realistic gravel texture.

I’m Still Looking For Some Ery Good Gravel Apart Of Using A Pic

I’m Still Looking For Some Ery Good Gravel Apart Of Using A Pic
But I Got a procedural gravel see pic

interested ?


just wanted to add:
it is great to build 3d models with AutoCAD, yes,
but there is an alternative that everybody should check out who wants to
build models in high precision, everybody who is familiar with AutoCAD but
would like to see much much lower prices.
I have been testing ProgeCAD for 3 years now, and I won´t change any more.
Just like AutoCAD, see here:

To import to Blender just choose all solids with filter and explode them then save as
AutoCAD release 11/12 ASCII (dxf) and import this file with the dxf importer script by
Ed Blake and Remigiusz Fiedler.

Make sure that you don´t work in millimater units but meterunits

mostly for rounded corner and patterns ect…

what kind of dwg can you read

if i got old DGN can it be read by progcad ?


It opens all dwg Autodesk versions up to the newest ones.
It don´t open Microstation DGN files but there are converters which can do this!