im going through a tutorial and the author was using an earlier version of Blender. During this tutorial he has described something that does not work on newest version. He sets the 3d cursor(pivot point) on a vertice, then rmb on another vertice and uses something like S->Y->0->enter, supposedly this should move the vertice in the Y direction directly above the cursor, assuming the cursor is below the target vertice. this doesnt work for me, why?
Set the pivot point to the 3d cursor with period key
supposedly this should move the vertice in the Y direction directly above the cursor, assuming the cursor is below the target vertice.
S Y 0 scales the selection constrained to the Y axis towards the pivot point. The 0 will scale by zero so the selection will end up at the pivot point.
This has worked the same way going back years and still does so correctly in the latest version.
No .blend file supplied so cannot say exactly what you are seeing. Ensure you are actually watching the tutorial, with these kinds of queries the main reason is the person thinks they are following the tutorial but are not really doing so.
the tutorial is precision_modeling_006.pdf.
in this section we are modeling a ball bearing with a cage. the cage was partitioned §. heres photo from pdf
guess I cant post any more photos, will go to another reply
im new to this forum thing, dont know what happened with last reply and the pictures.
the picture from my blender the arrow points to where his instructions say to put the cursor then the kindof circled vertices is what I think he wants to S->Y->0.
heres a picture of what happens when I do that
and Im sure thats not the desired product
question about the forum, how do I use a link to the pictures when the pictures are on my computer?
I’ve done this tutorial before, though it’s been a few years.
I think the issue is how you are reading page 36’s paragraph:
First we need to set the cursor at the centre ofthe top ball.
Tab into Object Mode and selectthe 608-Balls Object. Tab into Edit Mode and
de-select all A move the mouse close to a vertex on the top ball and press L (link select)
this will select all the vertices directly linked by an edge to the vertex you are closest to. All the vertices of the top ball will now be selected. Shift-S and snap Cursor->Selection, this will centre the cursor on the top ball.
In the screenshots you provided, your 3D cursor is positioned litterally on top of the top ball rather than at the center of the top ball in the circular array of ball-bearings. Perhaps that is throwing off your scale actions.
I would just start fresh with the sphere and extrude a new section for the cage as described at the end of page 35, making sure that you have your 3D cursor firmly in the center of mass for the sphere.
Hope that helps.
Check the tutorial linked in my signature. Pictures can’t be on your computer, upload them to a file hosting site first and then you can link to them. and can also take .blend files. Don’t crop screenshots. The most basic mesh element is a vertex, not vertice.
I think the guy who wrote the tutorial messed up, you probably want S->Z->0 (judging from the screenshots). Also your 3d cursor location doesn’t look right, you should select the row of vertices that look good and do Cursor to selected, then select all rows that need to be straightened out and do S->Z->0.
I think you’re scaling wrong vertices.
In this case afer scaling along normals the vertices which won’t be aligned with original ones are those along the cut line of the object. Select one vertex from original ones , snap 3d Cursor to it (this is for scaling to exact position of original vertices), then select 2 edge loops of newly extruded vertices (selected on the screenshot) and scale. In the example below it’s Y axis (example shown before scale operation) :
Note that the Pivot Point is set to 3D Cursor.
This was and still is a great tutorial, to start off.
Your face normals are pointing opposite direction they should. Select all and Ctrl-N to correct that.
Next, look at the tutorial image and yours - see how different edges go from the sphere to the outer shell? This is because you did have wrong selection for scale on Y.
3D cursor on your images is not positioned on centre of Sphere - there’s a thick orange dot - this is where cursor should be to correct Y and Z scaling discrepancies. If your sphere was added on coordinate centre you can precisely place 3d cursor by entering 0,0,0 on N panel.
I hope this image will help to sort out which vertices to select to scale 0 on Y and which on Z: after you ‘flatten’ faces you should not see red faces from Front Ortho view.
GL, hope helps.
Oh, so the picture was supposed to be a top view I guess (pretty unintuitive but whatever :p).
So just go to top view and it should be obvious which ones you should scale, the ones at the end, since they don’t match up.
i just completed the same tutorial, and the problem @buzztoken is having is just due to a poor explanation in the tutorial, which I think was intentional to make the student think.
You want to align the outer edge of the cup with the inner edge, so you need to put the pivot point on one of the vertices on the inner edge and then select the entire outer edge and S>Y>0 them in place.
That’s an excellent tutorial, btw. I wish there were more written ones available , since videos are just a pain.