Using Diffeomorphic to Import DAZ3D Models, Grainy - long rendering (need Tweaking Help)

Hi all,

Still learning the blender and rendering and node control is still very hard for me.
hope to get some pointers on what to do here to improve visual and speed of render.

I am using the Diffeomorphic importer due to the ease of use… it imports stuff and can almost be blindfolded doing it.haha…
so I am going to expect the lesson I learn here from you guru’s I should apply similar techniques to new projects using Diffeomorphic plugin.

only problem is the quality is subpar and hope there is a few things that can be tweaked to clean up quality and speed up rendering… for animating purposes Id like to get rendering much quicker.

Id rather not use denoise filters either

I have attached the blend file as well as two screenshots of the renders in daz and blender
daz took about 2 minutes, where as blender was about 5 minutes… but appears to be much more grainy

i have fiddled with sampling

Blender File.
Succubustest.7z (9.4 MB)

ScreenShot DAZ3D

ScreenShot Blender

MANY Thanks