Using modifiers in Lattices


I have a lattice that I want to shape to fit my uneven terrain (hilly). As there are many hills, I used a Shrink-wrap to get the Lattice to adhere to the terrain. The LOOKS good.

The trouble is, when my object to be deformed by the Lattice, passes through the Lattice, it does not get effected by the shape of the MODIFIED Lattice - it reacts to the Lattice as seen BEFORE any Lattice Modifiers. So I try applying the Modifiers to the Lattice and it says ‘Cannot apply modifier for this object type’.

This leaves me with having to shape the Lattice to adhere to the terrain by hand which will take AGES!

Unless I have missed something…?

I don’t think you’re using lattices correctly. Lattices aren’t like regular mesh objects, and you shouldn’t treat them like they are. What effect are you actually trying to accomplish exactly, and why are you using a lattice for it?