Using percentage for healthbar animation

I have a health bar, its has a near invisible scale on frame 1, on frame 100 its the biggest I want it to be. I want to be able to use the percentage of my max health left to determine the size of the bar.

is my script completely wrong?

cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner

import bpy

if own['health'] > own['healthMax']:
   own ['health] = own['healthMax']

if own['health'] < 0:
   own['health'] = 0

own['divide'] = (100 / own['healthMax'])
own['percent'] = (own['divide'] * own['health'])

Heres pics of logic bricks and script


DynamicHealthHUD.blend (1.22 MB)

always use the console to debug your scripts. click the ‘abc’ button in the text editor, it shows up simple syntax errors like this: (own['health]).

cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() 
own = cont.owner 

if own['health'] > own['healthMax']:    
    own ['health'] = own['healthMax']  

if own['health'] < 0:    
    own['health'] = 0  

own['divide'] = 100 / own['healthMax'] 
own['percent'] = own['divide'] * own['health']


attach the fcurve actuator to your script and try again-
bpy is not needed and should not be used in game engine.

I tried what you said and fixed the script, however its still not working and it doesnt keep health from going over healthMax… Does it matter if when I play game the debug property shown on screen says and healthbargreen.percent etc etc.

Im using 2.56 btw.


I got it to work with this

import GameLogic as l
cont = l.getCurrentController() 
own = cont.owner 

if own['health'] > own['healthMax']:    
    own ['health'] = own['healthMax']  

if own['health'] < 0:    
    own['health'] = 0  

own['divide'] = 100/own['healthMax'] 
own['percent'] = own['divide']*own['health']

if own['percent'] > 100:
    own['percent'] = 100

thank you for the help