Using random textures off of sites

Is it “legal” to use textures/materials off of sites like google? For example, I texture-paint a logo or use a python script. Do I have to state where I got all of my resources from? What if the part that I use is so small, you can’t see who’s work it is? For example, I use a picture, just to texture-paint the window of that car in the picture onto my own. It’s not like I will sell my game, if it even comes out, but I just want to know if I ever do want to make it a public (probably free) game. Thanks

The images are not from google, google shows you the image of a direction.

if you find a texture, image in google check out the page that upload that and check the license that has.
if you take the image make sure the image no have information about a company or something like this.

I think I can say no more, I’m not related to the topic and I recommend this page:, and this are the licence

Sorry english.

People generally want to be credited for work they’ve done, unless of course it’s listed under public domain.
If they’re not, the right thing to do is to credit it’s rightful creator.

I tend to ignore my conscience and not give credit though.
It is quite time-consuming, and if ever I get caught, I’m sure there won’t be much hell to pay. (unless it’s a paid game, which I don’t do)

What if the part that I use is so small, you can’t see who’s work it is?

Using a small image will lower you chances of getting caught, but you still have to give credit.

So in conclusion, if you’re not selling, then there’s no harm done…
Not certain if it would be considered “legal” though. I’m sure people will disagree with me here.

the person that took the picture owns the copyright. if the game is for you alone and will never see the outside of your own personal hard drive, then its all good and you can use it under the fair use clause. if however you wish to distribute it you need the permission of the owner, unless it is shown to be licensed for distribution as are. that is to say, if it doesn’t actively have a CC licence attached to it or somewhere on the site saying you can use the image as you wish etc, then you can consider it to be copyrighted and you need to contact the owner before you use it.