Using scripts.

How do I use a mesh script that I have downloaded? I put the script in the script folder but it does not come up as listed in the scripts window menu under the “mesh” heading. :frowning:

It needs to have a “BPY! Header” to be found, like this:

Name: ‘Solidify Mesh’
Blender: 240
Group: ‘Mesh’
Tooltip: ‘Makes the mesh solid by creating a second skin of a set width.’
and the script needs to goto /.blender/scripts

Then, in the Scripts window click “Scripts” and “Update”. If it still doesn’t show you have problems in the above folder (duplicate scripts or without headers etc), but you can still Open that script in the Text Editor and Alt-P on it to run it.


Well I guess it helps to have Python 2.4 installed, duh! I thought I installed Python when I first downloaded Blender but apparently I hadn’t. I would just blow by the black box on startup not realizing it was telling me Python was not installed yet! Installed it yesterday and all is well in scriptland! :slight_smile: Thanks