this is a smartphone vr rig.
it accepts video and broadcasts accelerometer, gps and potentially wifi based dead reckoning,
A little while back my mouse was broken by my daughter,
it would have ruined my weekend, but I found a app called Pc Pointer, that allows you to use your phone as a touch sensor, or wiimote like input mouse device.
If someone were to made a stand alone “Helper app” to do this with blender it would be quite interesting,
this same data exposed can have a variety of features for blender.
Using a phone as a 3d mouse, and paint brush/sculpt tool
Using a phone as a camera with 3d tracking telemetry for 3d scene integration
Using a phone as a light meter
Using a phone as a 3d camera tracking point for a actor, (like mocap but 3d data that moves a empty)
This could be used to animate, sculpt, etc.
it could also be used for games,(bge)
I am not talking about porting blender or anything to android,
I am talking about an standalone application to send data to and from an android phone, as a output/input device.
(side note: homemade 3d printed rigs for this would be a neat project as well)
That VR kit would be a pretty bad VR experience… Your cellphone’s gyroscope has a poor response time, as does the screen, and the resolution is too low… Then add the extra delay from the poor quality low-power WiFi adapters in them and processing power. It won’t be a great experience, but I guess it would “work”.
So here’s some stuff on gyroscope and accelerometer:
You could use something like Splashtop to get the screen
One was moved away, to game engine,
then it was moved back 
Just dug this up
My own sensor Idea is this little file
There are cell phone companies working on it now,
so… if we are working on accepting what they are dealing…
or we can side step them,
a hardware micro usb sensor, would be good. (to gather more data)
BPR_Antenna.blend (729 KB)
this is working, but there may be errors in my logic design,
BPR_Antenna (LogicCoded).blend (744 KB)
Tango is a go go,
these accelerators etc can allow 3d mice for sure. and scan in anything…
3D motion and depth sensingProject Tango devices contain customized hardware and software designed to track the full 3D motion of the device, while simultaneously creating a map of the environment. These sensors allow the device to make over a quarter million 3D measurements every second, updating its position and orientation in real-time, combining that data into a single 3D model of the space around you.
They run Android and include development APIs to provide position, orientation, and depth data to standard Android applications written in Java, C/C++, as well as the Unity Game Engine. These early prototypes, algorithms, and APIs are still in active development. So, these experimental devices are intended only for the adventurous and are not a final shipping product.