Using the image editor to view references?...images disappear

I want to use blender to view reference images by dragging them from the internal file browser and dragging them to the image editor. I tried this and I was happy until I wanted to view another image. I dragged it over to the image editor and the images disappear and I can’t get any to show again. What’s up with that? How can I fix this? Thank you :slight_smile:


Can you tell us which version and which operating system? It is working fine here, on a recent 64 bit linux svn build, so it could be a bug that has been fixed, or it might be OS specific.

I figured what was wrong. It wouldn’t allow me to put in an image when in edit mode and would in object mode. However when I switch back to edit mode the image disappears again, only sometimes. I am using 2.58 r37702 x64 on Windows 7