Using YafRay

Hey guys! I’ve managed to get YafRay to work! :smiley:
BUT! :confused: I’m not quite sure if I’m using it as intended…

The reason that this came up in me is because:

  1. I’ve read that it’s way faster than blender’s renderer…which I haven’t yet experienced…
  2. I’ve also heard that YafRay Renders way nicer than blenders engine… well in certain places yes…but just now the shadow of my aquarium looks quite odd…although the transparency is much nicer…=)
  3. When I render my schene with Blender I get a well lit area…the way I actually lit it…But when I render with Yafray I get a dull light…way duller than with Blender…

So what I’d like you to do is either try and give me suggestion on how to solve these problems, or make a basic, quick and small tut on the interface of Yafray…or please send me a link where I could find one…couldn’t really seem to find any tutorials on this…
Note that I am REALLY bad in searching…no…honestly…:o

Thanks ahead!
Kool and the Gang - get down get down, johnstown boogie.
1 no 2 maybe 3 yes will help you alot.

And all your three remarks are not quite correct. Yafray is just different, not faster in particular (especially not with GI, but on the other hand, AO isn’t fast either), not better (it just supports other render techniques) and not worse in lighting - again, it’s just different. You’ll find a lot of information in the Yafray docs, about how Yafray works and how it works together with Blender. Make sure to give it a good read, it’ll really pay off. I really like to work with Yafray!

Thanks for the links guys! I’ll check them out…just to get things together I got most of the info off Wikipedia…here’s the link:

Getting Started with Yafray
Firstly, I would like to tell that Yafray renders 2-3 times faster and nicer (includes Global Illumination, Caustics and…) than the normal internal built in Renderer in Blender citation needed . So it would just be worth it to download and install it.


Yafray does not render better and faster. Users make engines to render better and faster.

There is not really need for YafRay if you can make great works with Blender Internal, even for realistic renders. This has been proved many times in this forum.

Don’t use this or that particular render engine to save learning steps or practices. For a beginner, it is more useful and makes more sense learning first how to use Internal multipass rendering and Blender nodes, than using a raytracer like YafRay.


Sounds reasonable…:slight_smile:
I only wanted to create good looking transparrent object…and I think Yafray does pretty much a good job on those…
Or…I’m using Blender internal the wrong way on transparents…:confused:

Glass in yafray

THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MAN!! That is just what I needed! :yes:
By the way I started reading over the node stuff and I started to play arround with noodles! Cool stuff so thanks for the advise and the pages! :wink:

Thanks for all the help! I really appreciate it!

Take care,