USP sports version (tactical pistol) WIP

just decided to see if i can make one of these without using a blueprint… got it right here next to me so that should help out a bit

heres what i got so far

it’s hard to make any coments, there’s not very much to look at sor far… : )
keep updating…

well thats why its a WIP lol, it builds overtime

looks good from what i can see so far i cant wait to see the finished product :slight_smile:

post a reference please, if u got one :slight_smile:

imana stop making this for today as i got other things to do… the reference is the actual thing in front of me and i curently have no camera to take a picture of it

ehh, heres some more additions to the top part

another update

cant see the curvs too well because its lit evenly all round so i cant comment much on the shape.

ill need to look up the gun model to crit

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lol ok, heres a render with 2 lamps and no ambient occlusion

ive decided to resurrect this thread and start work on it again…

updates to come soon