USS Enterprise 1701-D

This is my first Blender project: the USS Enterprise 1701-D. It seems like I’ve made soooo much progress, but I know there’s a whole lot of work to be done still.

Like the windows.:eek::eek::eek:

The last pic is where I’m at right now. I’ve already started a thread about where I’m stuck at.

You think the copyright text is big enough?

I hope it’s good enough. I just guessed on the size of the text. I made the background in AutoCad.

Not to worry now. I seem to have everything under control (sort of).

I finally got an answer on the Blender Forums about how to work the Booleans thingy. I’ve got the cut-outs done for the saucer Impulse engines (which I’ll work on some time), although I don’t know why everything’s in different colors.

Oh well. I can’t be perfect (although I try).

The modeling distracts from the copyright notice.

What exactly are you copyrighting??

No offense mate but you should really remove that copyright notice - because copyright only exists if you do something original - and not copy an idea, story or image outright. Model the thing by all means, but please remove the copyright, it’ll cause more trouble than its worth.:spin:

As for the modelling, it’s going along smoothly, it could do with the faces being smoothed down and the disk can do with a few less angular corners, but otherwise good work so far.

I have the copyright in place based on a few suggestions from the 3D SciFi forums.

It’s pretty easy to take off as well. I don’t know…I might take it off…or I might leave it in place. I figure that the people shall decide.

This early in the game and with work base on a well known design it’s just silly. wrong, even.
And it’s huge, jumping right in your face!
Once you have something that’s interesting enough that someone might take it without giving you credit, you might want to put a signature on. The important part being your name. You know, like an artist signing his painting.