UV alpha renders as black

I cant get UV alpha to render properly.I’ve looked up the problem on this site and most of the answers refer to the TEX FACE button not being clicked in the material buttons window and “UV Alpha” not selected in UV buttons before rendering.
I have TEX FACE clicked and it still renders with the alpha part black.I’ve tried it with the image as a .PNG, .Tif and .Targa formats and still always the same. The background alpha renders as black. In potato mode it looks fine and the alpha is invisible.
I’ve read through the UV manual that Papa Smurf linked to on a previous post and don’t know what i’m doing wrong unless I’ve missed something really obvious.
What am I doing wrong?

Black means an image is not loaded for that UV texture.

3D View->Face Select Mode.
Editing buttons->Active UVTex.
UV Editor-><confirm correct UV layout is shown>->Image->Open


you have not told blender to use the alpha channel of your texture, in which case slide your base material alpha to 0. (you may have to use a texture channel mapped to UV and UseAlpha in the texture settings). if so, see the textures section on the wiki.

There is an image loaded to the plane.
The UV image renders ok but the area that should be transparent around it renders black.
I’ve slid the base material alpha to 0 and still it renders the same.
I’ve tried a texture channel mapped to UV ands clicked “use Alpha” and it renders the plane as a blue plane the same color as the default background.
this is weird.Gonna check the textures wiki again…

clicked “use Alpha” and it renders the plane as a blue plane the same color as the default background.

Then you don’t have ZTransp on.


I do have “Z transparency” on. This is weird.
I can render image textures with alpha perfectly but not UV textures with alpha.

Using just TexFace does not carry over Alpha. You have to use a Texture Channel as a modifier to the material, mapped to UV UVTex.

The black is the color of the base material or an underlying UV texture i bet. I just did a test. I created a testgrid texture with alpha and mapped it only to color. where there is alpha, the base material color shows through. If you also map the texture to Alpha, the background shows thru (no ZTransp required). i can post blend if u want. If your base material A: slider is 1.0, the texture’s alpha will not show at all.

Hi papaSmurf,
I’d really appreciate it if you posted the blend file if you get a chance.Thanx

here ya go! http://uploader.polorix.net//files/152/blender/UVTexwithAlpha.blend

Black could be your world color, too.

Can’t get browser to load the file you posted but I seem to have the problem sorted now.
I didn’t have “UVTex” typed into the UV coordinate box thingy.
You really are a very helpful smurf! :slight_smile:

sorry bout that. loads fine here (just checked, sometimes polorix is slow). try again. there’s some good examples in there. 2.44 you know. my Firefox allows me to open just fine. IE is being funny these days.

Yep.Loaded fine now. Just took a few attempts to do it.
Gonna check it out right now!!! Thanks again