UV autoseams and UV Gravity packer addons

2.78 - nothing happening when installing from file =(

Same thing here. Anyone have any ideas why? I tried moving the .py file into my addons folder as well but no dice.

I installed by:

  1. Cloning the entire git repository
  2. Fix syntax error around line 127 where there is a missing closing parenthesis on a print() line
  3. Copying the GPack folder to ~/.config/blender/2.77/scripts/addons/GPack
    After a restart or refresh of the addons, it should show under G-Pack (note the dash if searching)
  4. Enable the add-on

Unfortunately, it seems to duplicate my UV shapes; I end up with repeated shapes overlapping, and it bogs down the calculation immensely (aside from probably failing, but Iā€™ve not yet gotten it to work ā€“ apply does nothing on my system.

I hope we can get this working!

Okay, the duplicated UV shapes is still an issue, however, Apply goes through, but then errors:
File ā€œā€¦ /.config/blender/2.77/scripts/addons/GPack/init.pyā€, line 301, i|
n doGameUV |
bpy.data.scenes.remove(bpy.data.scenes[ā€˜GPackā€™], do_unlink = True) |
TypeError: BlendDataScenes.remove(): takes at most 1 arguments, got 2

(Iā€™m at 2.77a)

I really love this concept for packing UVs. I really wish the script was working :frowning:

is it still in development?

I got it working :slight_smile: This is really great. Such an original idea. Thanks.

I would love to know how you got it working and with which Blender release. This addon would be a real time saver for me.

I do not know much about UV unwrap, but with your addon (UV autoseams) it is the first time I can easily UV unwrap an organic Dyntopo mesh without having overlapped UV problems mainly in cavities, and I can paint without having many glitches:

What do you think would be the best configuration of the addon for that kind of meshes?

You have to give a name to the folder (GPack) and compress to GPack.zip
In the line 126 you have to put this: print(len(islands))
Install and click on ā€œGravity Pack UVsā€
ItĀ“s works on Linux Mint Mate 18.3
And enjoy! ItĀ“s allā€¦

or you could just comment it out(line 126) I imagineā€¦itā€™s just a printf so to speakā€¦

Seriously though - UV maps make me actually dislike artistic expressionā€¦

The UV unwrap addon is really good. Better than Smart UV that comes as default in Blender.

Thanks for your feedback , itā€™s nice to see it works.

I use it mainly for low-poly assets, and sometimes decimated photogrammetry, because on larger meshes it takes too long timeā€¦