UV clipping

Hello! I got this problem. How to separate them?

What happens if you hit L key when mouse pointer is hovering a vertex?

Can you unwrap it again or you are forced to use this as it is?
In the first case unwrap it again choosing Smart UV Project.

Unwraping works, but i want to keep this one. Is it possible to separate it?

Can you show us the object and how you set the UV seams?
(I think you do not have any UV seams).

Ok, try this then:

  • select a vertex/face/edge
  • Ctrl+L (Select Linked All)
  • in the operator windows make sure Delimit is UV’s

That way you can select directly any UV delimited by UV seams on the objects, then you can do what you need on UV window.

Short example:

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If your overlapping UV is in the same UV island then I think that the related seams are wrong and you have to redo/rethink them.

Thank you very much!

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