UV Editor Window question (Cycles)

In Blender Internal Render mode, it’s possible to have the image texture in the UV editor window switch automatically over to whichever texture is selected in the 3D viewport which was a rather handy time-saver when working with many image textures. However, in Cycles mode the image in the UV editor doesn’t update. Is there a way to get around that?


scripting it ??!

it shouldn’t be so difficult… an operator that checks if the selected image differs from the image in the UVEditor, and if so, do the changes. You can then add the operator to the event handler, so it runs whenever you change anything.

Thanks for that suggestion. I’m not confident enough with scripting in Blender yet but I guess it can’t be that hard to figure out how to do it. I was just wondering if there was a more obvious method or setting somewhere that I’m missing.