UV Equalize and Tube Unwrap addons (updated)

ok, quick google search reveals this

i’ll update it to not use uuid module soon

cool, thanks!!

ok, done, can you please test it? i am on mac os x so i do not know what i am doing :slight_smile:

no more error message ^^
very cool :slight_smile:

updated Tube Unwrap, added warning when this condition is not met:
“- Mesh must have at least 3 rings to be unwrapped. Simple cylinder with two boundary rings will not work. Add a loop cut between them.”

Thats also great trick! thanks

i only copy your script into the blender text panel and run it.
then this error pops up…

This is a addon and needs to be installed. Look under file>User Preferences>Add Ons>than click the middle button at the bottom, “Install from File”. When done you should see the addon and you need to select in order to make it active. Than also save user preference, bottom left.

i fixed the error, it was something in python itself. download it again and install like rombout said. it should work now.

Hello! Tube UV is really great addon. I have some suggestion for refcactoring it:

  1. http://i.imgur.com/PiZxsrn.png
  • Use only selected Faces.
  • Use Active Vertex for calculation.
  1. http://i.imgur.com/llDaOzA.png
    If i have a closed tube, is it possible to hide these faces at the end of the tube and use the UV-Tube addon?

hello mifth

  1. good point, thanks for reporting it. yes, it should work that way. and it shouldn’t be hard to change it. like this it will fit more into each individual workflow (i never have separated pieces of mesh in object, each logical part is an individual object, that’s why it does not work :slight_smile: )

  2. i meant the script to be just one part of workflow handling the labour intensive part. i can imagine some examples, each different what would someone need and doing this it will make it one click solution which is not always what you want. if i change it to work only on selected vertices and if i add seam creation around whole tube part of mesh, unwrapping caps would be an easy task afterwards, and using just standard tools.


Cool! Waiting to test it. :slight_smile:

I think this addon should be in blender default addons.

…thx you…

The main difference for Linux Mint users will be in navigating through the menus and finding the applications we will be using below. Ubuntu uses Unity whereas Linux Mint uses the mintMenu and Gnome. However, both interfaces provide the ability to search from the main menu and it should be very easy to translate the instructions from one to the other (or to another desktop environment if you prefer). If you get stuck, please feel free to contact me directly or leave a comment below and I’d be happy to help point you in the right direction.

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Hello, i’ve got a big update of Tube UV Unwrap, read first post…

I have just tested it! And it’s fuckingly cool!!! This is super amazing!

Made with 3 clicks: http://i.imgur.com/dE7dfMR.png

The only feature request: is it possible to add a checkbox “remove unwrapped seams”? As they make a mess sometimes and override my own seams.
I mean these seams http://i.imgur.com/FojAISU.png

Thank you a lot for the addon! I will heavily use it!
Must be in Blender Addons! Would you like to commit the script into blender Contribution addons?

Another question. how do you think is it possible to apply scale of every loop to the TubeUV?

Like for such a mesh: http://i.imgur.com/BoC4f9T.png

I attached the blend file to the post.


test.blend (618 KB)

great update!!! many thanks :slight_smile:

what do you mean exactly? isn’t unchecking “Mark seams” what you want? if you uncheck that, no seams will be marked…

right off the top of my head, that’s possible… have to look into it

hi mifth
something like this? scaled around center?
i don’t think, different layout (like aligned to one side) would have any use…