UV export problem

I am currently working on some UVs. I mark my seams and click “unwrap” ,but when I look at the .tga it is a “smart projection” instead of the “unwrap” that I set up. Is there any way to fix this?

clicking the unwrap doesn’t actually export the UV layout
it just unwraps it to the UV/image editor window

you will need to export it with a python script called “Save UV Layout”

you choose this from the UV/image editor window menu

I have done that. maybe I should have been clearer. after I did the “save UV face layout” I look at the .tga in GIMP and it looks like a smart projection instead of what it looked like in the UV image editor

are you running the latest version of blender
and the latest version of the script

don’t know what the latest verison is - i’m not at home atm

I am using Blender 2.46, dunno how to update scripts…

I’m having problems with Save UV Face Layout. Harry??? posted a video at Vimeo of the thing he thinks is a bug. I think he has found one as I have sort of similar problems with the script. Basically the layout he has (or me) is not the layout the script generates for the save image.

He thinks he found a solution. It has to do with 2.46 finding and older version of the script. Once that is removed, things work. I have not gotten it working right yet. It is hit or miss. If it is right on the first try, you.re good. If not, you’re screwed. Use a screen capture.