Is there somewhere that I can get uv font maps from without having to create them myself lazy boy. Id be happy to do a few , but if people already have mapped a particular font it would be more productive that I could share one that others havent got…
its specifically those spiffy pics with font layout on them. I tried to do one by the way and aligned it over one that works and when I tried to use it it just displayed the @ sign no matter what I put in the Text property of the plane
I found an exe and blend file that is supposed to make them but I couldnt work it out
This is from fireside. Great tute and downloades. Also I noticed that the plane that you have the tex on does not respond to what you type into the property field until you press F key in edit window. Hope this helps.
Why do some fonts work and some dont??? Ive tried 3 and only 1 worked using ftblender (once I worked out you press f2 to save)
I don’t know. I asked this same question a few weeks ago. My best guess is that there’s something wierd with the fonts that don’t work. My average was a bit better than yours (maybe 50/50).