UV Map Problem


for a student project I need modular walls, since the project has to do with level design, I am unfortunately an absolute beginner when it comes to Blender.

I currently have the following problem:

the wall is a Plane and looks like this:

UV Map:

So far everything works fine, but as soon as I have to scale the UV map, because I have created moldings at the top and bottom, the texture is no longer seamless:

Unreal Engine

UV Map

I have already tried to align everything with a checker texture, but as soon as I move the UV map of the wall and it is no longer at the top and bottom as in picture 1, the texture is no longer seamless.

What am I doing wrong?

Welcome :tada:

…well… the seamless texture part should be:

  • on pixel borders (so it tiles seamlessly)
  • square; if you wanna tile verically and horizontally

like so:

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.