uv maping for a new purpose

if you want to skip the story/explanation and just read the problem, go to this

okay, so i was thinking about several of my hobies that i enjoy (or would, if i had any money… sigh) and i realized that UV maping may supply the means for a simple need many people who Cosplay. i.e. a while back, when kingdom hearts was REALLY popular (or unpopular if you were one of those people who have something against cartoons…), several people wanted to dress up as organization 13 members. (you’d get it if you played the games) but there was no sewing patterns. are you seeing were i’m going with this? no? dang.

my thought was that, probived someone had the time to put in the seams, one could cut up a 3d model from the game (ripped, homemade, bought, who knows) and save it as a uv map picture thing. then all they’d have to do is make a simple measurement, scale the map up until it matched, and print it out. instant pattern… provided you have the shape of the character you’re dressing up as…

my problem comes is that i don’t know if the uv editor scales the individual peices any when it unraps them
<<==done so you could skip ahead if you want.

so, what do you think? will it work? to much effort? uv map will warp the pattern?
any ideas?

Regular UV mapping would warp the pattern, but there is a script for making cutout paper models that will do it. You need python installed, and I can’t recall the name of the script, but I think it came packed with 2.49

really? great! any documentation on this script?

check the release notes for 2.49, maybe it’s in there.

UV can stretch and distort like crazy you know. I think this is what you are looking for.

yes, pepacura would work, but it takes forever and a day to get the mesh to divide properly. usually you end up with splintery ball things to cut out.