UV mapper question?

Ok the way I understand this is you open your model in uvmapper and it renders a wireframe of you model so that it can be opened up in say photoshop and create a texture for it. the part I don’t get is how do you get the texture back onto the model in blender? :-?

just save your image and into blender add a new texture, choose image and browse to your just-made texture.
then in the material panrel chose uv instead of orco.
that’s all
have fun!

hey dudes… i just heard about that uv mapper and this looks great!!
where i can download that stuff, plz??

yeah I found the thread on uv mapper it answered my question and it’s so easy now

UV mapper classic can be found at http://www.uvmapper.com

how do you save it so that it works in the uvmapper?

theres a python script that exports your .blend model to an .obj wich can be opened with uvmapper… you’d probably be better off looking at this

https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10821&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=facet --it shows you what to do

and if your using blender 2.28 you’ll need the updated python script it’s posted somewhere on the forum but can’t seem to find it now, if all else fails I’ll post it here if needed.

um heres the 2.28 version of that import/export script


–sorta feel bad about posting it and not being able to give credit to the guy who updated it, but can’t seem to find his post

hey guys…
i downloaded al the stuff. exported my .blend to .obj. when i open it in uvmapper, in the uvmapper default screen this text appears:
your element dont have any uv textures. click edit whatever to choose a uv type (or something like this :stuck_out_tongue: )
then i choose the uv style. it looks fine. i open it in photoshop and paint the texture. open blender, choose my mesh, new material, new texture, image x, and select uv instead of orco. then i render and got a wrong texture. WHY???

I think maybe your forgeting to save the model in uvmapper with the new uv cordinates, then you must reimport the .obj file back into blender that way the mesh matches the texture you created,

maybe this is better–

  1. export your model to .obj format

  2. drag it into uvmapper

  3. apply new uv map from edit menu

4.save texture map

5.go back to file menu and choose save model (and uncheck save materials because you won’t need that)

  1. go back to blender, and import the .obj file you just saved in step #5 using the same script that you orginally exported it with

  2. select your model, and hit the F key and look at the uv editor, the layout of your mesh should be exactly like the wire .bmp you saved

8 open the texture you created using the .bmp wire and apply to the model

OK I cannot write instructions very well so I hope you understood all that, the key is that uvmapper will save the layout in the .obj file

hope you get it

When I try to load the script it give me a little popup that say that a part of the script is incorrect and points to one of the load functions. could someone help this isn’t the first time and its getting frustrating.

yeah. i cant see if that way works because i cant import the obj back to blender.
it never founds the path (place to load), the same directory that i use to export the obj

couple of questions; are you using blender 2.28? and are you using the 2.28 script I posted from above?

The script does not find the path for you. YOu need to enter the path manually to the file in the gui of the script. Then import.


I have been working with UVMapper and the Objio script for 2.28 and everything is fine…for the most part. In the step-by-step above, I got to the part where I have hit the F key and load the image and it displays in the UV/Image editor button, it even shows up when I change the draw mode to Shaded. But when I render the scene, The cone I added the textur to is still blank. How do I “activate” the UVmap so that it shows up during the render.

I was able to get the texture to show up by appplying a texture with the image and changing the material setting from Orco to UV, but I’m not sure this with work if I export to Yafray.

I have both the publisher version and 2.28c and it give me a different error for both.

qwed88 asked me to see if I could help out with the UVMapper questions in this thread.

My initial post regarding this using Blender 2.23 can be seen here. Serialsiner gets the credit for explaining to me the first tiem I tried it out.

I just ran through the following steps before posting:

  1. Launch Blender 2.28c, open/create a scene or model and split viewport into two.

  2. Open obj_io_modif228.py in the Text Editor in the window of your choice.

  3. Hit Alt+P to run the script. (I didn’t have to enter the path to Python in my case.)

  4. Select an object in your scene. With the object selected, in the text field enter a complete path for export including the .obj name. For example: C:\cube.obj or C:\foldername\cube.obj

  5. Hit the export button and the script dialogue should the operation being done.

  6. Open UVMapper and load your model. File>Load Model

  7. Select Edit>New UV Map and select the type of map that is best for your model. You should see the UV Map at this point.

  8. Save your texture map. File>Save Texture Map.

  9. Save you model. File>Save Model When the Export Options appear, uncheck Export Materials.*

  10. In Blender delete the object you initially exported.

  11. The path to your object should still be in the text field. Hit Import and the script dialogue should the operation being done. You should now see your model in the viewport.

  12. Rotate and position as desired.

  13. Select the object and open the UV Image Editor.

  14. While in the viewport, hit the F key (keyboard) and you should see your model laid out in the UV Image Editor in the same manner it appeard in UV Mapper.

  15. Load your texture map into the UV Image Editor. Your model and texture map should overlap perfectly.

  16. Add a new material and add a texture to your object.

  17. Set the TexFace button to on under the material settings and set the UV button to on for the texture coordinates.

  18. Render and you should see the texture map, mapped to your object.

  19. Open the texture map in GIMP, Photoshop, or your favorite image editor add a layer and create a texture using the original texture map as a guide.

  20. Repeat steps 14 and 15 with your NEW texture map and render!

I hope this helps.

EC2…after step3:

  1. Hit Alt+P to run the script. (I didn’t have to enter the path to Python in my case.)

I get an error message in Blender 2.28c that says:

Python script error, check console

I the command line it shows this error:

Traceback (most recent call last);
File “obj_io_modif228_py.txt”, line 108 , in ?
ImportError: No module named string

I am running XP and Blender 2.28c.

Does any body know why I am getting this error message when trying to run the script found here:


I can not wait to get started.


Never mind. I did not have Python installed on my windows box…I thought I was on my Linux box. Stupid Mountain Dew eats brain cells. :stuck_out_tongue:

Any luck iroqfox?

Yes. All is working fine so far. I am a beginnnerand very excited about getting started. I only work with Swift 3d now, but i want to make some games and other interactive enviroments. Now I am stuck on another part of your instructions:

  1. Add a new material and add a texture to your object.

But I am confident that I will figure it out soon. If you know any really good tuts please send me a link.