I’m trying to UV map a sphere as a mercator projection, and from all I’ve read, this is supposedly easy. However, I haven’t managed to figure out how to do this without the UV map twisting around and stretching and being rather un-mercatory.
edit: Also, centering objects origin to cursor isn’t working properly for some reason(none of the others work properly either it seems). It seems to “resist”, requiring multiple clicks to move towards the cursor and never quite reaching it. I also believe that because the centers of origin are very far away from the object itself is why the cylinder projections are never more than very thin lines.
edit2: Ok, after cenetring the object origin on some other spheres in other files, it worked. (Sort of, the edges of the projection were sometimes shifted off screen). However I am completely clueless how to make it work with the original file. Could the fact that the objects are parented have anything to do with me not being able to center the origins again without them completely messing up?
edit: Yes, unwrapping a mesh NOT around its center definately throws everything except Archimapper (smart projections) off. way off. a mesh away from its center has a very condensed UV map, even when the radius is increased.
Hrundi, thanks for taking the time and thanks for posting that tip. Very helpful to me.
You already know this but, about parenting, re-centering a parent with children will have an effect on the parent child relation. The children link to the center of their parent and if you change the center of the parent object you’ll change the location of the childrens link. However, you can change the center of a child that has been parented with no problem.
How any of that will affect unwrapping UV’s I couldn’t say and don’t really see it having any effect at all.
Thanks for trying to help with my problem. Anyway, I sort of solved it by an extensive workaround. I’m basically creating a new object within the object of every sphere for easier re-joining, then seperating the spheres to a different object, clearing parents, centering, applying texture and then rejoining to the old object which restores the previous origin other features of the old object. It takes time, but at least it works.