UV mapping an FPS map, confusion.

i have a bit of a problem with UV mapping. im making an FPS, and im currently stuck on texturing my maps. heres my method:

  1. i produce a simple mesh plane, then scale it up.
  2. next, i go into edit mode and subdivide the plane several times.
  3. i go into top view, then press the B key twice and draw out my hallways and and rooms by selecting the faces on the subdivided plane.
  4. next, i go into front view and extrude the selected faces, thus making walls.
  5. i then go back into top view, and select the faces that represent the floor and unwrap them into the UV image editor.
  6. this is where it gets sticky. after i map out my image, i go create a new material, go into the texture panel, add a new image texture, and load the image i used.
  7. next, i go to the shading menu and scroll to textures, then “map to” and press the UV option.

then, when i press F12, the plane has been rendered with the image stretched out all over it, in no way how i had mapped it. it looks quite retarded.

then, when i try to map more images onto the walls or certain patches of floor, the new image does the same thing.

any help?

basically im trying to UV map and render more than one image on one huge object.
is my process flawed or what?

please help. a personal message or something with some advice would certainly make me feel better.
im using 2.47 btw.

When you unwrap, select all the faces and press (U key) then select “Smart Projections” near the bottom. This should unwrap things proportionately. If the texture looks too low-res, then if it’s a seamless texture, size up the UV co-ordinates manually.

i shall try that right now.

Usually you’d mark lots of edges as seams then unwrap different sections using different UVmapping algorithms. For terrain you’d probably use ABF++, also useful are the smart projections, the follow active quads script, and projecting from view.

both cyborg dragon and chaser had very good advice.
thank you two very much.

ok, so i’ve worked around my map process a bit.
now, instead of trying to UV the whole map as one object, i start out with one plane, exdtrude my wall layout, then duplicate it, then on the first duplication i delete the wall faces, then on the second duplication i delete the floor faces. from there, i can unwrap the floor itself and UV map with smart projections, then the walls i can toy with as i please, maybe even making more duplications to map different images.
then, when im done, i basically just put the duplications back together as though they were a puzzle.
i might find a way to do this while incorporating seams into the process, but i guess i’ll continue to be a learner.

it really is too bad there arent many youtube tutorials on the map making process. i found a few about particles, bump mapping and terrains, but they were all either set in an outdoor environment or didnt cover what i wanted to know.
the setting of my FPS is in a space station with corridoors and labs and all that jazz, so as of yet i haven’t found much help. with all the Halo 3 and Half Life 2 fans out there youd assume there’d be more…