UV mapping...cannot load image problem

Sometimes with blender, after i have gone into UV select faces mode and selected some faces, after i go into UV/Image Editor, and do E->unwrap, when i click on image->open, the image doesn’t popup in the editor. why?
edit: i decided to go add in a more detailed explanation:
i have a mesh
i go to uv face select
i select some faces. (i’ve already marked seams)
i go to uv/image editor
LSCM unwrap
i click image->open
i navigate to my image file and open it.
but then the image doesn’t appear in the editor!
any help?

The photo is probably wrong format - it’s picky as hell. Won’t take bitmaps, try converting to png or jpg then give it another go.

no it is a jpg. i’ve tried using other images but it still doesn’t work. its nothing to do with the image.

start with a new .blend file. without selecting or going into uv face select, just set one of your windows to the UV/Image Editor, and do an Image->Open, and see if you get the image. That will help tell if its a problem with the image format, or the UV mapping.

Yes i have already tried that. It’s nothing wrong with the image.
Well to be honest, first time I did unwrapped, it worked. Then i deleted the datablock because i wanted to use a different image, and now it doesn’t work. Worst comes to worst i have an older save file without the seams marked, and i can just unwrap it again, but i’m annoyed at this problem, this isn’t the first time i’ve had it.
any help?
oh yeah i’m using blender 2.42

I have had this problem more than once. So far, for me, selecting an additional face, or all faces seems to get it working again. I can’t explain it, but when it doesn’t work, no image file works.

The times it has happened to me were when I was UV mapping a portion of the surfaces, never when I was using all of the surfaces.

Best of Luck!

thanks! that seemed to fix it!