Never had this happen before. No matter what I try, I cannot get my house to unwrap and add any image to it. I’ve tried for a couple hours and reset everything and tried again but it’s broke. Any ideas? Thanks
Here is me trying on another object.
You just did a texture, not a material, right?
If you add a new material (be sure “use nodes” is enabled) and make the following node setup, it should work:
-Input --> Texture coordinate set to UV, connected with
-Texture --> Image Texture, with your texture opened, connected with
-Shader --> Diffuse BSDF, connected with
-Material Output
I´m sorry if you should know this already, but that´s what I would do first.
You’re aware that your Blender is set to use Cycles, right? Because the workflow you’re showing in your video looks like it was meant to be used with Blender Render…
If you set up the materials as per use in Blender internal then they won’t display in Cycles automatically. You need to have a few nodes at least for that to work. Such as NGChunter2 described. Although you don’t need to connect the image texture for it to display in texture display mode. But those basic nodes should be there.
You relise you are adding that texture to “Brush”?
with the object selected open the node editor and add an !image texture! node there…
Yeah. I took a look at the video. I can see you have a diffuse bsdf set up. But as Kenny said you’re actually applying a texture to the brush used in texture paint. If you don’t have a texture input node going into the diffuse bsdf, then when you try to assign a texture you only get the brush option. As soon as you plug in an image texture node you’ll see the option to navigate to a texture.
I had to use Cycles in order to use the particle system for a cloth. I thought once in one mode, if you switched it would remove what you did or convert it to another mode?
I was able to apply image textures to objects without using the node editor before, but maybe I messed something up. I will try what you guys suggested. Thanks
So I did manage to get it to work, however I don’t know how. I just played around with the node editor connecting things and it worked, now each object I touch is working. I prefer learning how to do it, but for now it works. Thanks