uv mapping headache

I am learning nodes but somehow i came up with this piece of crap The uv are driving
me crap download the crappy blend see if you can make it work i doubt it though. if you

unselect the nodes button the uv starts to look good nodes somehow is hard to figure out
I need the rocks to look like the image in uv image editor and the caustics to move over the rocks
start the game engine to see the problems and see if you can make this work


No rocks images packed into .blend file.

Sorry, sometimes i make little test blends and forget the obvious I uploaded a new blend. If you unselect nodes uv starts to look okay but with nodes selected i get a mess, don’t know why, i used nodes on the fish and the uv looked good. On the rocks i tried setting materials on the map input from Global, uv and orco 27 different combinations and still no luck plus i already had rocks that i did months ago that work fine. On some of the different combinations i tried, the rocks scroll not the caustics, anyway can’t wait to see what you come up with



It’s real mess, so I can’t handle whats up. Namings, namings, namings!
You are using nodes in nodes with different texture scaling factor and thats why material with unchecked NODE button looks well and with checked looks quite different.

I fixed the uv on the rocks it looks great again. The caustics should scroll over the rocks but don’t. I will keep trying to fix it, and if you can’t fix it or I can’t then i will repost. If you select the rock in the 3d view and move rock the caustics can be seen over the rock but in the game won’t move

digiman http://www.digitalart.x10hosting.com/rockx.blend