In UV unwrapping, I was wondering what the best workflow is when unwrapping duplicate objects. As seen in my image below, I am now creating the handle here selected. Now, what I normally do (which I’m sure is not the best method) is layout the build, and not UV unwrap anything…I create the whole build. Then, after, I start the UV unwrapping. And with objects that are identical, I unwrap the first one. Then I duplicate that and move it to the next location and delete the not-unwrapped one…and rinse and repeat. I hope that made sense.
What I was wondering if I should do is make the first one that I know will be duplicated…unwrap it then, and then copy it to the new locations…that way I don’t have to go through deleting not-unwrapped objects…
Yea, the best thing to do for duplicate objects is to unwrap them, then make linked duplicates. That way, you can edit one of them (uv map or mesh) and it will edit all of them.
But if these are all literal duplicates, it’s not that hard to copy UV maps. For me, ctrl-L -> copy UV maps works. (It’s basically a copy UV maps by toplogy.)
The Ctrl-J ‘Transfer Uv Maps’ is so easy! See, this kind of thing that I probably do all over the place in my workflow, is slowing my work down. I probably don’t know shortcuts to other tasks I’m doing.
But now I can just make my item, duplicate all the pieces where they need to be (have them all in a collection or whatnot), then later UVmap one of the items, then select all the items and then the UVmapped one last…and boom, CTRL-J, Transfer UV Maps and done…
Yeah, it takes a while to learn all the tricks, and I’m not sure that I have yet. What I’d recommend doing is just every day, spending a little bit of time with the manual and learning everything that Blender can do. It’ll seem to go slow, but you’ll make it through eventually. Reading isn’t enough, you have to play while you read to figure it out (and to figure out how the tool could be useful to you.)