I want to UV map the above texture to the above model. The texture is purposely simplistic as this is the first attempt at a complex shape that I have done. Can you give me a step-by-step for this? Using 2.41.
I want to UV map the above texture to the above model. The texture is purposely simplistic as this is the first attempt at a complex shape that I have done. Can you give me a step-by-step for this? Using 2.41.
Please help.
There are step by step instructions in the manual, UV mapping hasn’t much changed. You will find more UV mapping tutorials if you use the search function of the forum.
if you’re getting wierd shapes when you E->LSCM Unwrap then try doing each face seperately.
I go U>For Window but the mesh doesn’t show in the Texture window.
It won’t unwrap properly, could you help a little more? The manual isn’t helping much.
The BlenderArt magazines have some basic tutorials on UV unwrapping. Go to the BlenderArtists forum at the bottom of the elysiun’s main page here and check out their website. BgDM did a good beginner’s tut. Search under his name and you might come up with some usefull threads. Likewise with Torq.
The present trouble you are having may be as simple as that you have not pressed the ‘A’ key in the 3D window of “UV Face Select.” But I am just guessing here.
I did push the A key. All edges were dotted.
Where should I make seams to unwrap the model sensibly? I’m stuck here.
I can’t figure out a decent seam layout to unwrap this model properly. The best I could do ended up with me having each face seperate on the UVmap. Please help me out.
I’ve saved the file with the layout done. It’s messy but it works. What now? How do I get it to render with a texture?
Open the uv layout in a 2d graphics program and colour in the uv lines as required ( best to do this on a seperate layer to the uv lines) then save the picture. Back in blender on the texture tab choose texture type ‘image’ > press the load image button > locate picture file you saved.Now slect material tab > map input > press the uv button.