UV Mapping to an image

I’m trying to UV Map a cylinder to an image but regardless of how I try it appears the map is all over the place
in the screenshot below two faces beside one another are no wheres near each other on the image.
I would like to get each face beside one another to map the same way, beside one another so the entire round surface begins and ends on the image as if it were flattened out.
as of now all those faces are spread out and the result is a scrambled image


Too little info. No .blend file supplied so we don’t know what you have done !!

If the faces are not next to each other in the UVs but are in the model then you have made a poor effort in UV unwrapping.
Make sure your mesh is not crap (duplicate vertices/faces etc)
Place seams in the correct locations.
Conformal unwrap method may give better results for hard surface objects than the default Angle Based

Are you trying to get it to map around the face loop of the cylinder where the first couple of faces are highlighted and just those faces? If so, I would mark seams around that area so I could UV unwrap it and assign those faces to a material slot just for that .

I tried what little I did know before I came here and still I don’t know how to this but after exhausting what I could do I reluctantly decided to post so the arrogance does not help one bit, but hopefully it made you feel better.

if anyone else wants to take a stab at it and can surpass the urge to condemn my lack of sophistication with Blender that would be nice. If I apologize in advance that I don’t like coming here to be treated like shit because I’m not understanding something.
I can’t post the image due to copyright, you can substitute anything else as a stand in.

I’m trying to map the image as if I were to paste the entire picture on a cylinder like wrapping a paper label around it.
I’m out of my league with UV right now but I’m trying to learn it so if you can have some patience with this I would appreciate the help getting me over this impasse.

So you’re wanting the selected portion in the file to have the image, right? What I would do is select the top and bottom edge rings on either side of the cylinder part. If you make sure you’re in edge select mode, you can Alt-select click (right by default) one and Shift-Alt-select click the other. For an object like this, it wouldn’t be unusual to have a seam on the side anyway, so you can Shift-Select the three edges between the top and bottom loops that’s off to the side (left or right doesn’t matter… just pick one). Then press Ctrl-E to bring up the Edges menu and select Mark Seam. Double tap A (A-A) to select all and you can unwrap everything or just select the cylinder faceloops and unwrap that. With the latter, you can add a second material slot and assign the selected faces to that material slot, but either way, this should give you a rectangular shape in the UV window that you can use to place your image.


(When I was just testing it, I noticed you already had the dual materials set up. So what you can do to make it easier to do the selection is to first select the stuff on the base material (the top one) and hide that selection. Then, you can easily grab the outer rings on the top and bottom of the cylinder and also use the Shift-Alt-Select click on the side to get the side seam. Then do the Ctrl-E->Mark Seam. Select all and unwrap.)


thank you!