UV maps

Hi guys, so yea this is my first post, and I bring forth a n00b question!

Having just got into the fact Blender has a game engine (previously have just done rendering and such things before!), I’ve just been getting into the UV mapping and things.

I have a ball that gets knocked around by physics, and i’ve put a UV-mapped texture onto it, All well and good, except one side is always projecting at the original camera view from the 3D view/editor from when I first selected the UV map!

How do I get the texture to roll with the ball in the game engine?

Make sure it’s rigid body not dynamic. You might have interesting problems though…

Ah, unfortunatly it needs to be dynamic!

EDIT: Actually scratch that, it wouldn’t have to be dynamic and could be rigid body, but with rigid body it seems to sort of twirl in a loop as soon as it collides with other objects!

That’s because of friction, and proper collisions. try adding rotational damping