I’ve searched for other users having this issue, and due to the lack of posts I am beginning to think my problem is unique. Tama Software has attempted to resolve my issue unsuccessfully, so I am wondering if any of you have seen this problem.
I am fairly new to Blender (2-3 months), and 3d modeling in general so this may be an issue with the way I am applying UV textures, I don’t know. Essentially, I am in the middle of making a UV texture for a model I intend to unwrap to make into a paper model. In Blender (the pics will show) the texture appears as I desire. However, in Pepakura the UV textures are skewed and extremely disoriented. It is looking in the right area, as the correct texture is being applied to the right object, but the faces do not match.
I am using the standard 3ds export script out of Blender 2.42. I have not played with adding other scripts as of yet as I am unfamiliar with the process.
I would appreciate any help in this regard.
Thank you,