UV projection

How can I quickly project UV coordinates onto an object? (Like a box mapping, planar mapping, cylindrical mapping, sphere mapping…)

I’m looking for a tool that is functionally equivalent to the “UV-Map” modifier in 3DS Max. A quick and dirty way to project UV’s without having to muck around in the uv-editor.

I see that there is “UV Project” modifier in blender, but after reading the manual it seems like this would only work for planar projections. But of course, I could very well be wrong here.

Any ideas?

what is 3dsmax?
If you assign a material to your object, then a texture, you’ll have a “Map Input” panel, in the “Shading buttons” ( F5), with different mapping options.

Does that work when you’re using material nodes?
I can’t seem to figure this one out.

What I’m trying to do is take a procedural “Blend” texture set to “Halo” and planar map that onto an object. In the node editor I don’t see these options in the Geometry node.

Also, is it possible to animate the flags on the color-ramp inside the material node editor? That would be super handy.

(2.46) Edit mode (before 2.45 Face select mode)
U_KEY the Unwrap menu pops up.
There you can choose cube,cylinder,sphere projections besides other mappings

Yesssss! That’s the one!
Thank you, bjornmose. :slight_smile: