UV Selection Funk

A couple funky selection things I am wondering about as far as the uv editor in 2.76.
Why does Blender select anything if the user clicks outside any uv. If its uv selection tolerance then where and how to control that tolerance.

How to make it so that when clicked beyond the tolerance or outside of any uv sub-type (vert, edge, face, island) the editor simply deselects all uvs.

Why does Blender select only the first edge in edge mode using uv.border_select. It works predictably in vert and face modes. In edge and island mode it doesn’t seem to work.

How does one force it to select all the edges? This works in the following programs, Cinema4d, Modo, Softimage, Max, Houdini, Wings3D, Not sure about maya.

The answer to the first question is that blender always returns a selection in the UV/Image window no matter how far away you right click. There’s no easy way to change this behavior, to deselect everything press “A”

For the second question you may be looking for the “L” hotkey, which selects all linked vertices. The UV/Image editor seems to be using a slightly modified control scheme for some things.