UV Unwrap help

Hi! I’m working on a project where I need to texture my objects and I’m really not good at unwrapping.

I get how you do boxes etc, but this object is very hard for me to understand how to unwrap “correctly”.

Here’s an .fbx of the object:https://www.dropbox.com/s/nn3t82c30kl90jw/UVHelp.fbx?dl=0

If someone want’s to take a look feel free to do so.

I also know the modeling is not very good but it’s good enough for me. If someone have some other tips for how I could model this for easier UV uwrapping I’m all ears!


I will definately triangulate them if possible! Otherwise re-model some parts.

How would you unwrap this if it was triangulated or modeled in quads? To make it have as low uv stretching and seams as possible?

Would probably go with something like this, even though there is some stretching. It’s always a compromise between amount of seams, stretching, ease of use (painting) and coverage.

unwrap_ja12.blend (318 KB)