uv unwrap tool?

hi there,
i’m looking for a tool/technique that can unwrap uv’s like this (3rd pic):

© of these images: bay raitt (u never know…)

i tried “ultimate uv unwrap”, but it’s a) not free (and without the ability to save uv coords unusable) and b) it does not really have this feature :slight_smile:

any suggestions? or can this be done with blender? atm i cut the mesh into several pieces and use sphere mapping, but there must be an easier way :slight_smile:

thx in advance

I think you need the Tuhopuu… this is a build of blender wich has unwrapping tools wich they say … work very good… (I didn’t use them yet… but I know there’s a link somewhere in a thread because I donwloaded it from there…)…

Try a search for tuhopuu…the link is here somewhere…


Just the testing builds forum at blender.org


Make sure you check that it is for your operating system before you download it, as Blender is multi-platform and they don’t compile one for each if it’s just a test build.

It’s a very nice script, from what I understand it unwraps based on the angles (so you will have to move some things around still) and speeds the process up a ton.

“From window” would be how I would unwrap most of that previously.


take a look at my uv map tool, maybe it’s what you need:Link to tutorial with script.