UV Unwraped faces not keeping same shape

I have a building I am working on, and when I make a seam, either the unwrapping is doing nothin and it is sticking with generated, or the shape is not the same.(as seen in below image). I have tried several tutorials, but they all lead to the same result when applied.

(I highlighted the large face that is being distorted and a smaller face that is not)


I don’t think Blender has any unfolding algorithms that work well with concave Ngons such as what is seen there.

You may need to create coordinates for that face using the ‘project from view’ operator instead or you can slice it up into convex faces (that are then mostly quads).

Thank You! Something that actually worked right (I looked back over the tutorials I was following, and sadly that was not in there). Would it be better if I made the size panels there own separate object, but still a part of the building(Like I did with the roof, which is the blue spot)? I know I mapped it to a rather small kinda-tiled image, but things were still rather cramped it felt.
