who can help me, everytime I finish a (human) model and it comes to uv unwrapping I have the same problem: everything works, except the nose and lips are more or less distorted like on this picture:
my idea was to select verts like in picture 2 and scale them up, but that only fixes the distortion there and causes new distortions around the selected vertices. What else can I do here? Is there a special method to fix distortions like that which appear everywhere where the mesh bulges out (like nose, lips and also other bodyparts like breasts, buttocks)?
first of all thanks for your advice, but I think that isn’t the solution I’m looking for. Or maybe I don’t understand this correctly.
try the slice tool and maybe cut them out?
umm… where do I find the slice tool ? Anyway I don’t think cutting those areas out is the right way, because that causes seams on the texture map which should be avoided if possible. Plus I’ve never seen a head UV-layout, where the nose is cut out.
scale up and use a bigger image (ie. 1024x1024 stead of 512x512?)
scaling the image doesn’t fix the stretching of it (btw the final textures will be sth like 2048x2048 or 3096x3096).