UV unwrapping help needed!

hi all,

I’m rendering with Yafray, so when I want to texture a surface I need UV co-ordinates (someone please correct me if not!).

I have some fairly complicated objects that I want to put simple bump and texture maps on - for example a plain fabric covering on a sofa.

It’s a real pain to UV map because of all the curved surfaces. Does anyone know if there’s an easy way to generate a UV map where all the faces are just the shape and size they are on the model? Seams aren’t important really here…



Yes, pressing U wile in Facemode brings up a menu with different automatic UV prejections.

I don’t know about the Yafray question - I have’t used it yet. Good luck though!

thanks for the answer, but I have used and abused the U key a lot already! I can’t find an option which projects each face according to it’s actual size and shape yet…

You said seams aren’t an issue, right?

Go to http://www.section5.ch/?which=1 and download “Shmender”, that is an enhanced version of Blender 2.26

There, when you press U to unwrapp you will find a new option called “CubeUnwrap” that will do exactly what you want… Shmender is a little slow, so a little of patience is needed.

Thank you very much Apollux, exactly what I was looking for! works perfectly…