when I try to unwrap this creature mesh, it doesn’t unwrap evenly or straight. I tried watching blendercookie’s tuts on it, they helped a little bit but it’s just not working for mine…any help?
You’ve not really given enough information to be sure what the problem is, but the unexpectedly asymmetric result makes me suspect that you have conformal unwrapping on instead of angle-based.
Best wishes,
! How do I do angle-based unwrapping? By the way, the mesh is fairly regular in terms of wires, and previously had a mirror mod which was then applied. Thanks in advance…
edit nevermind about the angle - based/conformational thing, I found it! Only thing is, it is already angle-based…? This has me fairly puzzled!
Hey, Boonz. Did you mark some seams for the unwrapping process? Marking some seams in a fashion that would allow it to unwrap symmetrically might help.
Yes, I did mark some seams as per a ‘snurgle’ (< not sure what that is) tutorial, mine looks quite similar, but still getting this nasty assymetry going on. I have been playing with it a bit, the other side keeps getting smaller, I had to zoom in a lot to even distinguish what it was. I also have multires enabled, does that make a difference to unwrapping?
I also tried smart unwrapping, which I think takes no notice of seams, but that is giving me a better result at the moment (only because I can see the islands - they’re not actually joined in any particular way, and they’re quite crooked, but of even size). But it is still not what I am aiming at - I want to get the mesh laid out in one piece - like when you see an animal skin, I guess?