UVMapping Randomizer Blender Cycles

Is there something like this for Blender Cycles?

I have seen a couple for Blender but this one works for both organic textures like grass and fixed textures like tiles or Bricks.

There definitely should be something like this for Blender Cycles. Anyone know?

For example:

…or here ( :wink: )

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A newer video…

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Note that tricks involving noising up the mapping to create “blurred mapping” will still create sharp transitions between bumpmaps. An approach to handling this issue is to use say four different rotations and scalings of maps, and selective color from a noise node to blend them together. Something like this node group, where the four versions go into Color1-4, and it has a preview mode where you get to see how the blends actually work in colors only.

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@Okidoki Thanks. I am aware of this method but I was trying to find a way to get the node to work with triplanar mapping. Any suggestions? :slightly_smiling_face:

@Matakani Thanks.

@CarlG Thanks a ton. Can I ask what this node is?:

It’s just 0.5 in the top socket - (or +) the input in the bottom socket, controlling the map range nodes. Can’t remember the reason why I had to do that, pretty old stuff.
As for triplanar, the color output, one per “xy projection” (remapped, xy, zy, zx → xy) goes into whatever triplanar mapping node group you prefer. Note that this can quickly become spaghetti with loads of nodes, and if too advanced can even fail because of it.

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Thanks a ton :+1: