Hello, everyone.
I have a tree on which I’m trying to remap the UVs. The exporter I have to use is limited to one material per skinned object, so I’ve combined two textures onto one diffuse map–the branch texture on top, and the trunk texture on the bottom. As a result, the UVs are incorrect, and need to be adjusted.
However, any change I make in the UV editor doesn’t make any change to the model. Also, what I’m seeing in the 3D View is not what I would expect from looking at the UV layout. All the branch UVs are sitting in the top half of the UV editor over the branch texture, but in the 3D View the branches almost look like they were planar mapped along the Z axis from the top. And furthermore, as a test I selected all faces in Edit Mode on the mesh and tried to unwrap again–this changed the UV layout but didn’t change the model’s mapping.
Here’s a couple screenshots to demonstrate what I’m seeing:
I’m new to Blender so I could very well be missing something, but this seems pretty weird. Any ideas?
I tried attaching the blend file but I got an unspecified error. I guess I’ll need to find a different place to host it.