UVscroller affecting single object

Hi, in my game project, i use a simple UV scrolling script to make the water look, well, watery.
The thing is that the more instances of water planes i add, the faster the uvs scrolls, as all the objects share a mesh.
The script i use is like this:

#    Imports
from bge import logic
from bge import events
import mathutils
import random
import bge

#    SetUp Variables
scene = logic.getCurrentScene()
cont = logic.getCurrentController()
obj = cont.owner
scroll_speed = obj["scroll_speed"]
scroll_dir = obj["scroll_dir"]
scroll_speed2 = obj["scroll_speed2"]
scroll_dir2 = obj["scroll_dir2"]
#    Main Code
if not 'mesh' in obj:
    obj['mesh'] = obj.meshes[0]
    obj['array'] = obj['mesh'].getVertexArrayLength(0)
    for current_vertex in range(0,obj['array']):
        vert = obj['mesh'].getVertex(0,current_vertex) 
        uv = vert.getUV() 
        uv[scroll_dir] = uv[scroll_dir]+scroll_speed 
        uv2 = vert.getUV2()
        uv2[scroll_dir2] = uv2[scroll_dir2]+scroll_speed2

So, i’m wondering: Is there a way to assign the object an ingame created copy of the actual mesh, so the uvscroll affects only that object’s mesh?