UVW Unwrap is a mess

New to these forums, and Blender in general. Learned 3D modeling in college with 3DS Max.

I’ve been working on a model, and have it pretty much completed. But when I go to unwrap it, I get a complete mess. I’ve looked for, found, and corrected a few cases of double-vertices and gaps between edges. But I still can’t get a clean unwrap.

I’d post an image, but I’m not sure I can yet according to forum rules.

Blender Files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4H1w8LcWuFgYWJydUM0T3ZnNFE/edit?usp=sharing

You will need to apply seams on the appropriate edges (Ctrl+E / mark seam) to get the best unwrap.
In the UV unwrap settings in the operator panel (or F6) you can switch unwrap method between Angle Based and Conformal to see which gives the better result. Angle Based tends to suit organic objects while Conformal hard surface objects

I’ve applied seams to the edges in the same manner I would with Max. And switching the method of unwrapping does not appear to have any effect.

I’ve applied seams to the edges in the same manner I would with Max. And switching the method of unwrapping does not appear to have any effect.

Until you show us/supply a blend file I don’t know what you expect anyone else to do to help

@malletmann If you can’t upload a .blend file here, put it on pasteall & give us the link :slight_smile:

Upload it here: PasteAll

NOTE: After it is uploaded COPY the URL link. If you don’t you have to upload it all over again.
EDIT: and of course post the URL link here…

I’ve got the link here, and will post it on the first post:


You have pinned the UV’s so they stick where they are. Alt+P to unpin.