Hello, this is my first post. I’m very stressed out because of the old habits I developed while working in 3Dsmax.
There seems to be no way of selecting mesh in the UV editor and seeing what that selection is in the 3d viewport. It only works the other way around, where you select a bit of mesh in the 3d viewport and can only see those exact faces in the UV editor and nothing else.
Is there a way of having all of my UV mesh show at all time, regardless of what I have selected in the 3d editor?
Is there a way to select a single face in the 3d editor and have the UV editor show the whole UV group of mesh it’s part of, so I don’t have to guess what the topographic group is?
Are vertex groups the only way to mark these sections of mesh?
Please feel free to ask me any questions. Blender seems like a great program, and maybe better than 3dsmax, but I’m still not completely transitioned-over yet. I know I’ve got to stop thinking in “max” but that’s all I’ve used for a decade and old habits die hard. Thank you all for reading and thanks in advance for any help!