V. 3.1 - How to Blend Between Human Eyeball & Skin?

So you modeled the lacrimal as part of the face (have seen this as seperate object… maybe then the next things would be easier ?) ? I wonder what those tuts are… please tell. While not seeing enough about the eye geometry or the shader setup i would (wildly) guess:

  • 1: maybe there is z-fighting between lacrimal and eye when this polys are too much in the same direction?
  • 2: the lacrimal faces have to have an alpha blending in the texture and maybe also a mix with transparent shader to be transparent (cycles seems to be a but picky about that so this is the usaul trick… or are you using eevee ? then there are some opaques settings the remember…) and maybe a higher bounce value in render settings.
    Edit: i just re-discovered a thread on BA i was watching but didn’t bookmarked

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